These blindfold Sensory Games are mostly for Children, to be safely played with Adult Supervision. Learn about safety first then scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the 4 lists of blindfold games.
Blindfold Games
On this page you will find a compilation of blindfold sensory games and activities. I’m always looking to add new ones to the list, so get in touch if you’d like to add to my collection.
You don’t need anything fancy to use as a blindfold when doing these activities. Want to get started? Find a sleep mask, scarf, tea towel, towel or rolled up t-shirt, bandana or jumper and you’re good to go! So keep your little lambs in the dark, just remember no peeping allowed!
Don’t let light creep through under their blindfolds. Make sure the blindfold is so snug and firm that they can’t see their hands and feet, or at least build up to that depending on their age. You ideally want to make it so that you could hold a big teddy bear in front of their face without them knowing that it is there.

Safety First
All of the activities on this list require supervision. A responsible adult (ie teacher, therapist or parent) should always be present to ensure participants can be guided when necessary.
Make sure an adult is on hand to tie the blindfold to ensure it’s not too tight or loose. The blindfold should be firmly secured so that it is snug and completely blocks the person’s vision, ensuring the blindman is completely blind and unable to peep.
If you’re feeling scared or unsure about participating in blindfold activities, make sure you discuss this with a carer, therapist or parent beforehand.
With blindfold games, you need to be careful to avoid inappropriate touching, as players can’t see. This is why adult supervision is necessary.

Blindfold Games Collection
Scroll down to view the extensive lists of Games in columns A – D
Click on toggles to reveal how each game is played.
NEW! Mummy and hunter
You need
- A box of soft toys
- A blanket
- Blindfolds for everyone
- A very dark room at night is optional
Blindfold everyone and have them crawl around until lost. Pick someone to be mummy (or daddy) someone to be the hunter, everyone else are the blind children. The hunter has to try and find and attack the children, but if mummy gives them a soft toy first, the hunter can’t attack. The child gives the soft toy back the hunter who must return it to the box before attacking everyone else. If a child without a soft toy is attacked, they are out.
New! Soft Toy Team Pass
Soft toy team pass
Put players into teams and blindfold them. Pick a soft toy to the captain of each team. Player’s wounder around blindfolded trying to only pass toys to members of their own team
NEW! Pillow case pass
Pillow case pass
Show everyone a pile of soft toys, enough for each player. Blindfold everybody, have them walk around until lost. Give everyone a soft toy in a pillow case. Players have to guessing which they have only be feeling everyone else’s.
NEW! Pillow case washing line
Pillowcase washing line
Ask everyone to bring a soft toy to the party, try to ensure they don’t see each other’s toy. Put each toy in a pillow case and hang them on the line. Blindfold every body and lead them out to the cloths line and have them find their soft toy.
NEW! Cuddly thieves
Cuddly thieves
Blindfold everyone and give them each a pillow case with a soft toy and a pillowcase with a rattle ball. Players walk about blindfolded trying to catch each other. If you catch someone you get to feel their soft toy, if you identify it you can put it in your bag, if not you take to take their ball.
NEW! Covid Game
Covid game
Blindfold everyone and scatter the area with their soft toys and pillows. Have them crawl around blindfolded trying to find their soft toys. But if they find a pillow, they have to freeze for 1 minute.
NEW! Water pistol
Water pistol
Have blindfolded children have a water pistol fight. Use tea towels not goggles as they have to keep their blindfold dry.
NEW! Balloon Bell
Balloon bell
This is a game where everybody has a balloon tried to a leg and have to pop everybody elses balloon. Try blindfolding everyone and tying a noise maker to the other ankle.
NEW! Sprinkler
Blindfold your children on a hot day and turn on the sprinkler.
Who can keep their blindfold dry? Use cloth blindfolds not goggles.
NEW! Feel Memory
Feel memory
Blindfold someone. Put 5 objects in a row and have them feel the objects and then mix up the pile and remove the blindfold. Can they put the objects in the same order?
NEW! Describe order
Describe order
Blindfold 5 people and one is the captain. Give everyone but the captain a soft toy. They have to describe their toys to the captain, then put the toys in the pile in front of the captain. He has to feel them and put them in order.
NEW! Finger paint
Finger paint
Have children do finger painting blindfolded, they will make a mess. That might teach them to be careful about catch Covid as it can be spread around.
NEW! Blindfold Race
Blindfolding Race
Have 5 children in each team with an adult in each team. The adults race to see who can blindfold their team the fastest. Use cloths that need to be folded.
NEW! Blind Quiz
Blind Quiz
Ask everybody to bring a soft toy to class. When the game starts everyone sits in a circle blindfolded and their soft toys in a pile in the middle. Ask everybody in turn a question. A correct answer is one point. Go for 10 rounds of questions. The number of correct answers determines how much time they have to feel through the pile for their toy, at the end of the quiz the players with the most points starts, then tell the players with 9 points to join the search and so on.
NEW! A Good Baby Shower Game
A good baby shower game
An adult sits in a play pen with the other players in a circle. Blindfold everyone. In the play pen with as may soft toys as possible. Before the adult can get out the sot toys need to be removed. The person running the game places 3 soft toys in front of a player in the circle to feel the player is told while one to identify. If they are right only put 2 back but if they are wrong put 4 back. Then move to the next player.
NEW! Baa Baa Black Sheep
Baa Baa Black Sheep
You need a cuddly stuffed sheep and as many wool scarves as players.
Sit all the children in a circle and give one the stuffed sheep. Sing baa baa black sheep. When you finish the one holding the sheep needs to have a wool scarf over their eyes snug and secure. Play again, the aim is for the sighted players to avoid being caught with the sheep. Every time a sight player is left holding the sheep blindfold them with a wool scarf. When the last player to see is blindfolded, hide the sheep in the sensory room. Saying where you hide him, the blindfolded players have to find him, the first is the winner. The players blindfolded last have an advantage of studying the lay out of the room.
NEW! Old Macdonald Had A Farm
Old Macdonald Had A Farm
Players sit in a circle with a box of cuddly toys in a middle. One player sits at the box and needs to be blindfolded. Sing Old McDonald had a farm. When you get to ‘had’ in the song lyrics, a the blindfolded player pulls out a cuddly toy and says which animal.
NEW! Ms Polly
Ms Polly
Sit the child down and sing Miss Polly had a dolly, with their dolls in front of them. And say Ann, to name one of her dolls, is sick and needs a cuddle. Ask the child to pick up Ann and cuddle her. Now put her cuddly toys in front of her and ask “Does Ann want to cuddle bunny or teddy”. Asking the child to pick the bunny, now she has to say to Ann “mummy has a bunny you can cuddle in your bunny rug”. Now ask should we blindfold Ann so she can have a sleep in her cot, she shouldn’t get up to play when she has to go to sleep. If yes blindfold the doll with an old sock. Then continue to say “let’s blindfold bunny too so he can’t get up and play if he awakes; he has to cuddle sick dollies in bed”. Help the child to wrap them up in a blanket and if there is a cot in the room great.
NEW! Now I Heard That Miss Polly Was Blind.
Now I Heard That Miss Polly Was Blind.
o, say, now let’s pretend that Miss Polly was blind. Now blindfold the child. Sit the child down and sing Miss Polly had a dolly, with their dolls in front of them. And say Ann, to name one of her dolls, is sick and needs a cuddle. Now the child has to find Ann from the pile blindfolded. Now put her cuddly toys in front of her and ask “Does Ann want to cuddle bunny or teddy”. Asking the child to pick the bunny, now she has to say to Ann “mummy has a bunny you can cuddle in your bunny rug”. The child must pick out the bunny from a pile of cuddly toys by feel blindfolded.
Games A
Soft Toy Team Pass
Soft toy team pass
Put players into teams and blindfold them. Pick a soft toy to the captain of each team. Player’s wounder around blindfolded trying to only pass toys to members of their own team
Pass The Teddy
This is the perfect blindfold game for a children’s party that will be enjoyed by everyone.
What you’ll need:
– Soft toys
– Blindfolds for each player
– Box
Step 1: Ask everybody to bring a soft toy of their choice
Step 2: The morning of the party check-in the linen cupboard or the kitchen draws to ensure you have enough cloths so that you can blindfold all the guests.
Step 3: Have a box that you can cover with a blanket.
Step 4: When guests arrive, gather all the toys and hide them in the box covered by the blanket to ensure no one sees the other toys. When it is time to play, have everyone sitting in a circle with the box in the middle.
Step 5: Now blindfold everybody ensuring no one can see. Remove the blanket and pick out a soft toy at random to give to one of the children. They have to feel it and pass it around until the owner identifies it.
Step 6: Put it back in the box and go again.
Tip: To keep everyone on their toes, use the same toy more than once.
Can Mummy Cuddle It?
Spread out a blanket and sit 3 children on the blanket and put 3-5 soft toys in piles in front of the children. Ask each child to pick out one soft toy to be their keep soft toy that they must keep through the game. Securely blindfold the children and mix each pile up. Turn to child one and ask them to pick up a soft toy and feel it. Ask “do you want to cuddle it or can mummy cuddle it”. If they think it is there keep item they must say “mummy may I cuddle it”. If they think it is not the keep item they say “no mummy you can cuddle it”. If they give you a stuffed toy ask a quiz question ”if they are right ask “who can cuddle it”. The objective is to try and empty your pile by making other people’s bigger so that it is harder for them to find their keep item by feel”.
Keep playing until one child only has one toy left. They have to tell you if it is their keep item if so they win if not they are out.
Or play for 5 or 10 rounds and ask them to feel for their keep item in their own pile.
What you don’t say is that your objective is to get them to give up their keep item. If no one finds their keep toy, mummy wins.
Or with one player – have a child on a blanket with their stuffed animals ask the child to pick one saying they must keep it through the game. Blindfold them and mix up the pile. Ask him to pick one and say” do you want to cuddle this or can mummy cuddle it”
Continue until one is left. Is it the one they must keep.
Father Knows Best
This is a trust walk activity you need rope to wrap around people’s waists, you need a father who is see and looks straight ahead. Mother can see to look after the children but can’t speak or use her hands except in times to keep her blind children safe.
Two or three children are blindfolded and have to trust mummy. One is cuddling a big teddy which can’t touch the ground. Another is eating a banana. The baby has a dummy.
Soft Toy Pass
This might be a good baby shower game.
Have two washing baskets of soft toys and chairs in between. On the chairs sit blindfolded guests. The soft toys such be passed from one basket the other with one going in each direction at once.
The players being blindfolded have to be careful when passing to ensure that each toy doe not go in the wrong direction when a blindfolded player has both in his hands.
A Good Tactile Memory Game
For this game you will need a blanket,
your child’s toys and a nice thick tea towel of a dark colour for a blindfold.
Spread out a blanket and have your child sit on the blanket, placing 5 toys on the blanket and let your child see them. Then
blindfold your child and take away one toy and remove the blindfold.
Ask your child to guess which toy is missing.
Repeat a few times.
then after you blindfold her rearrange the remaining toys before removing the blindfold. Repeat a few times.
Now let them see the toys and blindfold them and remove a toy and rearrange the rest. Tell the child to find out which toy is missing with the blindfold on.
Try to make it harder by playing with only soft toys.
A Cuddly Relay
For this game you need a soft toys and blindfolds
Players line up and have a chair to go around, or have two lines facing each other. One player has to run to give the next player ,or the first player in the other line the teddy bear. But the runner and at least the first player waiting are blindfolded.
You may want to blindfold everyone.
Mummy Where's My Teddy?
For this game you will need need blindfolds for all the children and soft toys.
Ask everybody to bring a soft toy
When you play the game, mummy sits in the middle with her children in a circle blindfold the children. now securely blindfold mummy and spin her around. But don’t tell the children that mummy is also blindfolded.
Now put all the soft toys in the middle. One child says “mummy I am blind and can’t find my teddy, I’m scared”. Mummy responds “hush darling, describe your teddy to mummy”. as the child is describing his soft toy, mummy feels around blindfolded, when she thinks she has found it she can say “hush darling, mummy found teddy, come to cuddle teddy with mummy,” the child then tries to find mummy.
Another child can describe his soft toy to mummy in the second round. See how long it takes for the child to realise that mummy is also blindfolded.
Lost Lambs Finding The Fold
This game is for building trust and faith in Christ.
You need a large supply of blindfolds. Use thick dark coloured cloths or cloths that can be folded a number of times, to ensure that the those who are the “lost lambs” are unable to see anything.
Play in a large open space like a large hall or open outdoor space at camp. If you are playing in a hall have obstacles to scatter around to help disorientate the lost lambs.
divide the kids in to team A; the lost lambs and team B; the wolves. You are the shepherd.
Team A starts in a closed of area called the fold, make sure the fold can only be entered into one by one.
The indoor version
Have a box of toys covered by a blanket. Next to it have a non see through bag where a large supply of blindfold cloths are kept hidden until the last moment. This will add to the element of surprise if the lambs do not know until the last minute that they will be blindfolded, but make sure if they are afraid of blindfolds they can join the other team and wolves can become lambs if they want to be blindfolded.
Have the lambs start in the sheep pen and the wolves sitting somewhere else. Say “the little lambs of the fold need to be lost and have to find their way back to the fold, without being attacked by wolves. Turn to an assistant and say “please lead the lambs out of the room and then guide them back into the fold, when I have set up the room” Then say “I have to give secret instructions to the wolves that the lambs are not allowed to hear.” Then pick up the bag and say “you know what to do before guiding the lost lambs back in”.
The assistant in another room with the lambs says “this is not easy as the wolves are allowed to see”, getting out some tea towels, “no one is allowed back without a blindfold on. I need to fold up these tea towels , for example, so that there are plenty of folds to your blindfolds to ensure the lambs of the fold are in the dark and are unable to see”. The assistant then securely blindfolds all the lambs.
While this is happening explain to the wolves that they can make noises but can’t touch the lambs, and ask the wolves to scatter toys to serve as obstacles. Then the assistant leads the blind lambs back to the fold. Turn to the fold and say “can anybody see or are all blindfolds snug and secure? Explain that “you will all be spun around and moved to a secret location and have to find your way back in the dark, but if you hit an obstacle we will come and spin you around again”. One by one spin the lambs around and move them.
Allow then to crawl around in the dark for a while, lost while the wolves make “scary” noises. Then one by one come to a lamb and whisper the way ensuring other lambs can’t hear. All lambs stay blindfolded until all lambs are home to ensure they can’t help each other.
Teddy Had An Accident
Here is a good blindfold game for Sunday school for learning about the body of Christ.
You need:
A large open area
The biggest teddy bear or other cuddly toy you can find or you could use a big doll.
A big blanket.
A first aid kit/strips of cloth for bandages
cloths like tea towels or scarves to serve as blindfolds, you must ensure the cloths you use are a thick dark colour and can be folded to prevent peeping under the eyes. The blindfolded players should not be able to see anything at all.
The story: a teddy bear went for a walk one night after tea and had a nasty accident on the street because all the street lights were out, his right arm and left leg needs to be bandaged. Teddy had a nasty fright, he is hurt, cold and very scared and needs lots of cuddles in a warm blanket and reassurance before being taken to hospital. The people who found him could not see because the street lights were out. Do not allow anyone who can see to describe to the blindfolded players the size of the teddy or the blanket.
The disabilities:
Eyes you can not move or talk but only you can see and don’t need a blindfold.
I am going to securely blindfold everyone else before the game starts.
Mouth: you can not move and can use your hands to communicate with the eyes and can give directions to everyone else. You have to communicate with the eyes which can not speak. You sit next to the eyes, but I will make it difficult by blindfolding you, so you can’t see and the eyes can’t talk.
Mouth and feet – you are not allowed to see for this game and are going to be blindfolded. You are allowed to walk and talk but are not allowed to use your arms and hands.
Feet and hands You have to have a blindfold on as you aren’t allowed to see. You can walk and use your hands but aren’t allowed to speak.
Mouth and hands. You are forbidden to see or walk, you must be carried and can’t play until I have securely blindfolded you,
The cuddler. I am going to blindfold you so you won’t be able to see what you are cuddling. You can’t talk or walk. and have to be carried. You can’t do anything with your hands except to cuddle teddy. You have to use your hands to feel how big teddy is, as no one is allowed to tell you how big he is. All blindfolded players that can use their hands can touch teddy and stroke him but only the cuddler can cuddle him.
The reason that the player that can give teddy cuddles can’t speak is so that the players have to work together and the players speaking comfort and the one cuddling teddy have to work together.
Blindfold everyone who isn’t the eyes, ensuring they can’t see.
watch as they find teddy swaddle him cuddle and comfort him and carry him to hospital.
1. It is better if the blindfolded players don’t know where they are or where they are being taken so blindfold them in another room.
2. Don’t let the blindfolded players see the equipment before covering their eyes. That way they have to use only their sense of touch to feel the size of the teddy and blanket. You might have a small teddy on display before blindfolding them so you can trick them.
3. Blindfold everyone and remove the blindfold from the one that can see, so that the blindfolded players do not know who has what disabilities.
4. Sscatter obstacles around the room.
5. Do not read the story out but give it to the eyes only after the others have blindfolds secure.
6. Te teddy is not allowed to touch the ground after being swaddled.
7. Do not have all the equipment together so that the blindfolded players have to search for it.
8. Tell the players that teddy needs to be blindfolded as well.
Gone Fishing
This game is from
Crowd Breakers and Mixers 2
By Youth Specialties (Organization)
page 58
Gone fishin’ by a David Vaughan
You need a stuffed toy which is a fish and a real fish and one blindfold per person.
All the players sit blindfolded in a circle. Give a player the stuffed fish without saying what it is. Have everyone pass it around and feel it. It is a nice soft and cuddly object to feel and pass around. Time them a few times to see how long it takes them.
Now without warning remove the stuffed fish and give them a real but dead fish, while blindfolds are still snug and secure. Watch for their reactions..
This post will be taken down if Zondervan tell me I violated their copyright.
A Cuddly Playground
This is a good game idea to end a mother daughter camp, with a very cuddly surprise for the kids.
You will need a playground and blindfolds.
Stuffed animals that no one has seen in a box covered by a blanket until all eyes are covered, so that no one knows what toys there are, these are gifts for the campers.
In a playground have mothers sit with their children and give mothers 2 bandanas for example. The mothers blindfold their children and then blindfold themselves. You then spin around the children and take them to an unknown spot. You need to make sure that neither the mothers or daughters have any idea where the blindfolded daughters are being taken.
Give all the mothers a stuffed animal, after spinning them around making sure the mothers can’t see the stuffed animals. The mothers have to find their children, by touch and sound but the children can only say the word mummy. When the blind mothers find their blind daughters, the mothers give their blind daughters the stuffed animal saying “mummy has a surprise, come and cuddle something soft with mummy”. As the mothers cuddle their daughters still blind so that they can’t see. The daughters and their mothers have to feel and describe their toy. The daughters get to take it home to cuddle as a reminder of the camp.
Blind Fate
This is a good game for a school and church fate toy stall.
A child goes to the stall and pays say 50 cents to play.
The child picks a toy. The mother then blindfolds the child while that toy and 2 others are placed in front of the blindfolded child. The child must find the toy by feel.
You may want to set it up so the child keeps trying until they win.
Depending of the age of the child use similar toys to increase the challenge. If the child picks a soft toy put soft toys in front of him.
Blind Room Tour
Blindold your child and take them to their room and spin them around. have them walk around feeling and identifying different objects.
Searching For Cuddles
You will need: a playground and blindfolds.
Stuffed animals that no one has seen in a box covered by a blanket until all eyes are covered, so that no one knows what toys there are, these are gifts for the campers in a playground have mothers sit with their children and give mothers 2 blindfold cloths. The mothers blindfold their children and then themselves. You then spin around the children and take them to an unknown spot. You need to make sure that neither the mothers or daughters have any idea where the blindfolded daughters are being taken. Give all the mothers a stuffed animal, after spinning them around making sure the mothers can’t see the stuffed animals. The mothers have to find their children, by touch and sound but the children can only say the word mummy. When the blind mothers find their blind daughters, the mothers give their blind daughters the stuffed animal saying “mummy has a surprise, come and cuddle something soft with mummy, but mummy can’t see your new soft toy, you have to cuddle it with mummy and describe it without peeping”. As the mothers cuddle their daughters still blind so that they can’t see the daughters and their mothers have to feel and describe their new cuddly toy. The daughters get to take it home to cuddle as a reminder of the camp.
See this video
In this video, both mother and daughter are blindfolded and searching for each other.
Sound Relay
You need a rattle ball and blindfolds
half the players line up at one end of the room the rest at the other and they have to crawl from one end with the rattle ball and pass it on to the next player who has to crawl back down. But the crawler and the first player in every line must be blindfolded so they have to use the sense of hearing.
Finding Mummy At Morning Tea
At the end of Sunday School, the teacher blindfolds all the children and then they have to wander in to the morning tea area trying to locate their mothers.
While the mothers have morning tea after the service, they have to be on the lookout for blindfolded children searching for them.
To make it harder
- forbid talking
- or let them only say the word mummy
- give the little lambs a nice big spin first
- mothers are also blindfolded
Or once the children are blindfolded and spun around give them something soft to cuddle (as a gift) so they can only use one hand. But when they find mummy they have to tell mummy what they are cuddling before mummy removes the blindfold.
Toy Collectors
You need blindfolds, toys and washing baskets or boxes.
Have teams of two children with an adult with each team. The adult needs to place a washing basket next to team member one and give them a rolled up newspaper. This player is now ready to be blindfolded. Player two is the searcher and also needs to be blindfolded.
After ensuring that only adults can see scatter toys everywhere. The searchers are spun around and crawl around trying to feel for toys to return to their baskets. But they can only keep the toy if the guard feels and identifies the toy without being able to see it. The guards need to stop blindfolded searchers from other teams stealing toys.
If the searcher puts the toy in the wrong basket too bad.
To add a challenge make some toys worth more points.
Silent Deliveries
Everybody sits in a circle with a blindfold on. Choose someone to be “it” remove their blindfold and have them stand outside the circle. Give them a soft toy. They walk around the circle and silently drop the soft toy behind someone’s back. It then walks around the circle and picks up the soft toy if it is still there, and tries to drop it behind some else’s back. The blindfolded players have to try and notice it being dropped.
Trusting Sheep
Note: this is a trust game for a Sunday school.
You need blindfolds and a cuddly little stuffed sheep.
Sit everybody in a circle in and blindfold them ensuring no one can see. Until this time keep the stuffed sheep hidden.
Give someone the sheep without saying what it sand have them pass it around the circle. Have everyone feel and cuddle it and guess what it is.
Now play pass the sheep, everyone stays blindfolded and passes around the sheep, when you say stop, the person holding the sheep cuddles it while discussing a passage of scripture about sheep.
Then blindly pass wooly around again, another person has a go to cuddle wooly while discussing a passage scripture about sheep.
When everybody has a go with blindfolds still snug and secure talk about how we trust God in the dark when we are his sheep.
Musical Blankets
You need
- A blanket from each camper.
- A blindfold for each camper.
- As many soft toys that you can get.
Ask campers to bring their blankets in the play area, when they put it up the front give them their blindfold. When every camper is blindfolded put music on and have them crawl around as you spread out the blankets. While you are doing this have other sighted volunteers throw soft toys at the blindfolded players.
When the music stops, the blind players feel for a soft toy and feel for their own blanket.
With everyone still blindfolded they feel and describe the texture and say if they found their blanket. If they are sitting on their own blanket, they have to cuddle and feel the soft toy, if they guess which animal the toy is they keep the toy.
Can I Cuddle My Bunny Mummy?
Children sit in a circle with one “mummy “ in the middle. Blindfold everyone but mummy and give mummy a stuffed bunny. One by one, mummy’s blind children ask ”Can I cuddle my bunny mummy, I had a bad dream” or “I fell over” etc. Each child should make a new ending. When mummy thinks a player won’t find the bunny she says “Hush come to mummy darling, your bunny is so soft and cuddly”, The blind child must go into the middle and find mummy and take the bunny.
Mummy can try to crawl away just like in blindman’s bluff. When mummy is caught, the child finding mummy is “ mummy” in the next round and give the old mummy their blindfold.
Snuggle Lamb Snuggle
This game is a spin on Squeak Piggy Squeak, and is great to play with a group of mums and children.
What you’ll need:
– Blindfolds (one for each child)
– A large space to play
How to play:
Step One: All the mothers sit in a circle with a blindfolded child disorientated in the middle.
Step Two: The child crawls around trying to find their mother by feel when they think they have found their mother they need to crawl on their lap and say, “snuggle lamb snuggle”.
Step 3: The mother repeats the phase and the child must guess if he has found his or her mother.
Tip: Make it harder by handing the child pillows and or stuffed toys so they have to crawl with their hands full, but blindfold them first so they can’t use their eyes to help judge the size of the objects.
Blind Bus Tour
This game tests the following skills: social, team building, trust, friendship, problem solving, communication, language, reading, visual skills, tactile skills proprioception, body flexibility
What you’ll need:
– Blindfolds (1 per person)
– Non-see through bag
– Pieces of paper with the name of an object written on each
How to play:
Step 1: Set up playing area beforehand so that everything is out of place. Hide all the objects and shut the door so no one sees inside.
Step 2: Gather all the players outside the area and ask the parents to blindfold their children and spin them around.
Step 3: Ask the players to form a chain, ensuring no one knows in which order they are. The last person in the chain is the sighted man so remove their blindfold and cover his mouth, announcing your actions to the rest of the group.
Step 4: Lead everyone into the room and hand a piece of paper to the sighted person at the top of the line. The sighted player must read the word and locate where that particular object is in the room.
Step 5: The sighted player must then guide the chain by tapping on the right shoulder to turn right and the left to turn left. He is not allowed to talk.
Step 6: The chain of people must walk or crawl around the room being careful not to break the chain.
Step 7: The player at the opposite end of the chain from the sighted player must find the object and pass it down the line to the sighted man, ensuring everyone feels it and agrees on what it is.
Step 8: The sighted player is blindfolded, spun around and moved to the second last in the line and the player at the top removes his blindfold and becomes the new sighted player and away you go again. Ensure you move around the objects each around to confuse the newly blindfolded player.
Idea adapted from “The Happy Bus” in
Don't Spill The Pasta
My Occupational Therapist and I have been doing blindfold tactile activities to increase tactile awareness for ADL tasks in the kitchen. I invented this game.
What you’ll need:
– Dry beans or pasta
– Blanket
– Container
– Kitchen tools like spoons or serving spoons or thongs
– Blindfold
How to play:
Step 1: Spread a blanket across the living room floor. Place a container at one end and a pile of dry pasta at the other end.
Step 2: Give one player a kitchen tool and blindfold them. You can also spin them around to disorient them if you want. (It might be more fun to blindfold the person before you give them to tool so they have to feel and explore the best way to use it.
Step 3: The blindfolded player must pick up the pasta with the kitchen tool and crawl to the other end of the blanket and empty the pasta in the bowl. Repeat until all the pasta is in the container. if they spill along the way, they can retrieve the pasta and put it in the container as long as they don’t remove the blindfold.
Step 4: See if they can tell when they have a spill. To increase the confusion, keep spinning them around at each end of the blanket. For beginners let them crawl with a bowl and let them use their hands to pick up the pasta and place in bowl.
For this game the blindfold helps to increase tactile awareness which is important for kitchen tasks.
A similar game people play at parties is cotton ball pickup, where you spread out cotton balls and blindfold someone who has to pick them up and place them in a bowl with spoon. See
Blind Barnyard
In this listening game people are divided into groups and given an animal. When everybody is blindfolded they have to find their group only by making the sound of their animal. No talking or seeing allowed. In this example it is played in pairs. I think the best way would be to blindfold and disorientate the players before telling them their animal. So they don’t know where they are or anyone else in the group or who else is in their group.
The skills you can work on are
- listening
- listening discrimination
- learning to discern different sounds from background noise
- social skills
- personal space
So get some blindfold cloths and take the kids to the yard today.
Photo used with permission and is originally from:
Thanks to Lara Neves
Ten Cuddly Toys
What you’ll need:
– 10 cuddly toys
– Fluffy blanket
– Blindfolds (1 per person)
How to play:
Step 1: Have an ample supply of cuddly toys hidden in a box.
Step 2: spread out a blanket in the play area.
Step 3: Have between 4 to 6 players sit on the edge of the blanket.
Step 4: Pass out a cuddly toy, for instance a lamb, and give everybody 2 minutes to feel it eyes open, while this is happening start folding your blindfold cloths.
Step 5: When that is done take back the lamb and blindfold everybody.
Step 6: Put the lamb and 9 other toys in the middle of the blanket.
Step 6: Sit the first player in front of the pile to feel through all the different toys while everybody else sings “There were ten cuddly toys on the blanket (child’s name) cuddled one and then there were nine.”
Step 7: When the singing stopped the child picks up the toy their hands are on. They feel the toy and if it is the lamb and they correctly identify it, they’ve won the game. If it isn’t the lamb and they correctly say it isn’t, there are 9 cuddly toys left. If the guess is wrong , they have to put it back and add another one for the next person to go as everybody sings “There were(how many there are) cuddly toys on the blanket (child’s name) cuddled one and then there were (one less).”
Step 7: Remove or add one toy is each right or wrong answer. The game ends when the lamb and found and correctly identified. When everybody goes go around again ensuring everybody keeps their blindfolds on. Ensure there are at least 3 toys In play at once.
Tip 1: If you choose to only blindfold the person whose turn it is, keep mixing up the pile, or at least blindfold the next player as well.
Tip 2: To make the game a bit harder, use gloves or only feet or only one hand.
Games B
Teddy Bear Hunt
We’re going on a teddy bear hunt.
You will need:
- Obstacles
- A blindfold
- A teddy bear
Hide a teddy bear in a darkened room so maybe put blankets on the windows maybe spread a blanket near the teddy.
Spread obstacles around the house to climb over and step around or crawl under.
Have a tea towel over your shoulder or scarf around your neck or a sleepmask in a pocket depending on if you want to surprise your child at the last minute that they have to be blindfolded in the crave.
Have your child at the start and sing the song etc. But at the crave “mummy has to blindfold you now” and blindfold your child for the rest of the hunt. Or blindfold the child earlier and describe the obstacles.
Obstacle Course Carry
This is a team building game
Set up an obstacle course and let the players see then tell them they need to through it blindfolded “but” you say “you need to carry a teddy bear without dropping it, but it will be difficult as you will be blindfolded before you can see the teddy bear so that you can only you the sense of touch to identify the size of it”. Now blindfold everyone playing. Have them go through the course blindfolded, if you want to be mean, have the blind players swaddle teddy in a blanket but don’t let them see the blanket before being blindfolded.
Catch and Cuddle Woolly
This is a good game for a farm.
You need blindfolds an open area and a cuddly pet lamb.
Mothers blindfold and disorientate their children and hold their hands for safety. Put a sweet little cuddly pet lamb in the paddock, for the children to find and cuddle blindfolded. Mothers aren’t allowed to help they are there to ensure that neither the children or the lamb get hurt. Make sure the lamb isn’t scared.
Make sure you use dark cloths for blindfolds so no sunlight creeps though and the blindfolded children need to listen out for woolly.
Blind Shape Sorting
You need shape sorter and blindfolds.
Sit your child on a blanket and have him do his shape sorter. Now blindfold him and see if he can do it without sight. If you want to avoid the temptation to help blindfold yourself. This game is great as you must learn to find the right shape, hold it the right way and put it in the right hole with not too much pressure.
Or have two children sitting blindfolded on a blanket, one is the sorter who has the ball the other searches for the shapes that you scatter on the blanket. Make it harder, forbid talking. Or, have two or 3 shape sorter so the blindfolded children can race each other. When they get good, be mean and put all the shapes in one big pile but they cannot use the same shape twice.
Or blindfold a child on a blanket and have them put shapes in a shape sorter while blindfolded child crawls around feeling for the shapes.
The main site picture has a shape sorter in it.
Doing a simple jigsaw puzzle blindfolded, is also good.
Or have shapes that need to be sorted into piles like circle, square etc. Blindfold a ground of children and have each player one collect each shape.
Do You Want Your Toys Darling?
Do you want your toys darling?
You need: – a collection of toys and blindfolds.
Divide the children in to teams of 3, one is mummy and the other 2 are mummy’s blind children. You need to blindfold the 2 children in each group, and send the mothers out of the room (or blindfold them). Give each child a toy to feel for 5 minutes without talking. Then take the toys back and scatter them around the room. Let the mothers back into the room or remove their blindfolds. The blind children have to describe but not tell mummy what their toys are. Mummy has to find her blind children their toys and give them back.
What Do You Want To Cuddle In Bed?
At bed time blindfold your child in the bed room and hold one soft toy in either hand. Say “do you want to take bunny or teddy to bed, and can take them both to bed of course, but you can’t say both just to avoid having to find one with your blindfold on”, Ask your child to pick one and then say “can you feel which hand it is in”. Your child may need to feel them both before they can tell.
Blind Colouring In
Sit your child at a desk with a colouring in sheet. Let him study it for 5 minutes, encourage him to use his fingers to measure the distanced between the edge of the sheet and the drawing etc. Now blindfold the child and have them colour it in.
Blind House Tour
Blindfold your child and have them explore a mystery house using their other senses.
Blind Room Search
Blindfold your child in the living room and guide them to their room. Give them a nice big spin. Guide them in and ask them to find and name all the soft items they find.
Blind Weekend
At a camp or sleepover prepare a room or set of rooms to be dark by covering windows with blankets, turn out the lights. Half the players have torches and half have thick dark cloths over their eyes. That’s the weekend. Players can swap being blind and having torches, but some players should be blindfolded at any given time. Blind players have to taken to the bathroom and can only have blindfolds removed in the bathroom, but put blindfolds back on before guiding them back..
‘Note: Players should be told that they are free to quit at any time.
Pass The Child
At day care when parents visit have them sit in a circle. Blindfold a child and swaddle them so they can’t feel with their hands. Give the bundle to one of the mothers. Have the mothers pass the bundle until the child can tell who their mother is merely by how they are held and cuddled. You might want to useear plugs to reduce hearing. How unique is a mother’s embrace?
or blindfold and swaddle a child in the middle of a circle and have a mother stroke the blanket. Can the child when their mother is stroking the blanket?
Find your friend on the playground
Blindfold two friends and take them to opposite ends of the playground at recess, and they find each other no peeping. They can each have a guide but only for safety.
Blind murder in the dark
Everyone sits in a room with a sleep mask on. Tie a tea towel over the mask on the murder and detective. Turn out the lights and everyone else removes their sleep mask. The murder kills someone, and they scream. The murderer removes their blindfold. The detective removes their blindfold last and guess who the murder and victim were.
Measuring game
In a maths class show the student sometime to measure and have them guess how big it is. Then measure it. This is a classic activity in school. But one day, try it blindfolded.
Peg game
Two people knee down blindfolded and a container of pegs is placed before them. See how many pegs they can peg on each other.
PLEASE NOTE: I found this game in a book of children’s party games where people wrote in with game ideas, but with this and other blindfold games, you need to be careful to avoid inappropriate touching.
Blind Errands
Blindfold your child in the living room and spin them around. Say for example “go to your room and get your teddy” or go to room x and get object y etc.
Send them back still blind if they get the wrong item.
Trusting Lambs
In an open area child wander around blindfolded trusting the adults around. Parents can decide if they should pick up blindfolded children. I have seen this done on YouTube without problems.
Blind show and tell
In a classroom run show and tell, with a different child each week. Each week ensure the object is not seen before show and tell.
The child “showing” the object can see, everyone else has to be blindfolded. Let everyone feel the object and smell/hear it.
Then hide the object in the classroom and remove blindfolds, can the object be found.
In a class school jumpers make good blindfolds.
Or you could bring the object for show and tell and hide it until you have securely blindfolded everyone.
Shoe Lace Challenge
Challenge your child to tie their shoe laces or do up buttons while blindfolded. Doing these tasks blindfolded helps children to do every day tasls without having to look so they can do things by memory and second nature.
Blind sound soccer
You need blindfolds and a rattle ball.
Divide everyone into two teams and set up 2 goals, blindfold everyone and have them crawl around passing the ball trying to get it pass the keeper.
Direction Finder
You need an iPhone with maps and a blindfold.
Blindfold someone and see if they can follow directions to a place.
I thought of this idea while following directions on my iPhone in Spain, just ensure there a guide to lookout for safety. Ensure no peeping or asking for directions. Play in an unfamiliar environment, like a foreign country.
Blind toy shop
This game works with touch, listening and developing language skills, as a blindfolded player has to describe an object they can’t see to other players who are blindfolded
What you’ll need:
– Blindfolds (enough for each participant)
– Toys (one per participant)
– Box
– Blanket
– Non see-through cloth
Step 1: Ask everybody to be a toy to the party but collect them as soon as the guests arrive so no ones sees anyone else, put them in a box covered by a blanket.
Step 2: Put the box in the room you are playing in, next to it have a non see through cloth bag containing enough cloths so you can blindfold all the players (for example, scarves or tea towels).
Step 3: All all the players sit in a circle with the box in the middle.
Step 4: Stand in the middle with a cloth in your hands and say, “we are about to play a game with the toys you brought”, pick a volunteer to join you in the middle to be the toy shop owner.
Step 5: Fold the cloth and blindfold him/her, spin them around and sit them down. Then say, “but I will not explain the rules until I have ensured every body else is blindfolded.” When you have made sure only you can see, explain that the person in the middle picks out a toy to feel and describe (make sure it isn’t his)
Step 6: when someone thinks it is their’s they need to put their hand up. The person in the middle has to deliver it, all players remain blind. If the toy belongs to the person who put their hand up, they are the new shopkeeper.
- Put in the box a few extra toys and put every body’s toy back in after they find it so no ones has any idea when their toy will be selected or if it will be selected two times so everyone must listen all the time.
- To increase the challenge you can ask everybody to bring soft toys so the shop owner can not just say “this is soft and fluffy”.
Sensory Team Game
What you’ll need:
– 5 players
– 5 blindfolds
– 5 cards each with one sense written on them
Step 1: Blindfold 5 players and have them pick a card each
Step 2: Remove the blindfold from the player who takes the card with eyes written on it
- The eyes can see the objects
- The hands can feel but not taste or smell
- The ears are only allowed to hear somebody hold the object where they can hear
- The nose can only explore by smell
- The taste person can not see hear smell or feel but only taste if the object is food
All five players can then talk about it but the eyes can not name it.
Have a group of players say 15 and blindfold them and group them in 5 groups around a big room. Remove the blindfolds from the sight group when the groups have explored the objects everybody forms one group for a discussion but the players from the senses other than sight must remain blindfolded.
Shepherds Guiding Lambs
This game uses trust and hearing and is good for large groups divided into smaller groups such as scouts or girl guides or school camps, and is great for a hike or wide open areas or obstacle courses.
What you’ll need:
– Blindfolds (one for each little lamb) you may want to ensure you have more than necessary, as the last thing you want in the game is to run out of blindfolds, so make sure you have a very large supply.
If you are on camp you might issue everyone with bandanas at the start to ensure everyone has access to a bandana for blindfold games, but remember to have spares. Or you might want to blindfold the lambs by pulling the wool over their eyes with thick wool scarves, especially on a cold winters day. Whatever you decide to use for blindfolds, just make sure your blindfolds can be thick and dark and tied securely. Another option is to ask the lambs to shut their eyes and cover them with glaze, eye patches or cotton balls before tying bandanas snug and securely, thus ensuring that peeping during the game is impossible.
– A large, open outdoor space
– If you are playing in Sunday School you may want a bible so that you can read passages about Jesus being the shepherd.
Before the activity starts tell the children that you are going to play a game where they are sheep and have to stay with their fold and follow their shepherd, which will be difficult as the lambs of the fold must have plenty of folds to their bandanas as the little lost lambs need to be blindfolded, and deprived of the ability to see, as this is a trust exercise.
Step 1: Divide the group into groups of 4-5 “lambs”. Say to the shepherds ” please collect some bandanas, for example, as you need to blindfold the lambs of your fold” Give each shepherd enough bandanas so that each “lamb” can be blind and lost. The shepherd then blindfolds the little lost lambs, ensuring they cannot see and have to rely on the shepherd, and have all the lambs crawl around in the middle until they are lost.
Step 2: The shepherds have to collect their tender little blind lambs and take them on a trust walk or blind trail. Each lamb has to stay in his group for the walk but has to do so without using his sense of sight, so the shepherd needs to help them to stay together. The little blind lambs must not get lost and stray away from the shepherd, or join another fold. The shepherd must direct them and help them to find their way. To add a challenge tell the lambs that they cannot speak to each other and to have identify each other only by saying “baa baa”.
Tip: Use blue bandanas for one group or green for another to colour code your blindfolds, this can be helpful in helping the shepherds to know which lambs are in their fold. Ensure that the lost lambs cannot tell except by hearing “baa baa” and have to be discerning who the other lambs of their fold are just by hearing “baa baa”.
If you are working on camp with older children, the shepherds can challenge their lambs to spend some time in the day doing everything blindfolded, the shepherds must care for the blind lambs of their fold. Make sure the children can opt out at any time. Or try conducting a Sunday school class as usual except that the children are blindfolded and shepherds need to assist their blind lambs throughout the class. If you do this you may want to blindfold the lambs at the door or better still have mothers bring blindfolds so they can blindfold their little lambs before sending them to Sunday school. But mothers need to keep the blindfolds a secret until the last minute for an element of surprise.
Pictured: Woolly The lamb.
Games C
Blind Banker
Show your child some coins and have him feel them. Now blindfold him and have him feel and identify them. Now give him a few coins to feel. Can he tell you how much money he has?
who is lying to me?
Children sit in a circle with one sitting in the middle wearing a blindfold. Chose a child to be the lair. The blindfolded child is given a mystery object to feel. He then ask a question about to object to each person in turn, he has to spot the liar.
musical cuddles
Everyone sits in a circle securely blindfolded. Give a player a soft toy and play music, when the music stops the player feels the soft toy and guesses the animal, if he is right, he keeps it. Play goes on but the player with a soft toy has to hold on to it, while passing the new one.
Variation: Blindfold the person playing the music to make it purely random. Also, so it is not easy on those holding a soft toy (or two) while passing the new one.
blind post master
Everyone sits in a circle with “it” in the middle.
Blindfold “it” and spin him around while everyone changes places. Give it a piece of paper and say “deliver this to” say a child’s name. The postman can’t remove his blindfold while on his rounds. When he has delivered his post, he can deliver a second or the receiver is the new blind post man.
blind church
Note: This is a “Christian” post. Pack your family off to church as usual but pack some blindfolds, enough for the children.
Blindfold the children as you park the car, or wait until they sit down in church or to create more excitement, blindfold them at home before they leave. Make sure their blindfolds are snug and firm so they can’t peep, so use eye patches or cotton balls before using scarves or tea towels or bandanas. Or tie cloths over sleepmasks. Your children have to go through the service without using their eyes. Use your judgement depending on the age of the child.
Can they sing the hymns or follow the liturgy (whichever church it is) from memory when they aren’t able to see their hymn books.
Can they identify which section of the bible a book is by feel.
Can they listen better
can they kneel and stand
depending on how much mercy you have, let them remove their blindfolds over morning tea
Go through the service pretending not to notice they can’t see, so they learn the impact of blindness. Pass the hymnbooks expecting them to turn to the correct page. Don’t explain what is going on except for safety.
If your church has children leave for Sunday school during the sermon, give them a nice big spin before seeing if they can find their way without help. Or to really trick them, tell them that you are picking them up for a cuddle, and when you are holding them spin gently.
Discuss and debrief at home
Next week see how many families decide to play copycat
Note: I would probably give the minister a heads up beforehand.
There is a debate over if blindfolding children teaches them about blindness in disability stimulations
keep your precious item
The original idea I had was this:
Blindfold your child and give them their favorite soft toy and take them to an unknown location and tell them that on the outing they have to look after their soft toy and know where they put it because if they misplace it they have to find it again with their blindfolds on, and so they can’t leave teddy on a bench and forget about him. Have them do things so they have to put their soft toy down. But you must reassure them that mummy will step in when needed and no one will really lose their soft toy. No tears at bed time because teddy got lost during the day, it’s just a game where children learn to look after items.
- Only play this game with older children
- Use a precious item but not their favorite teddy
- Play with soft toys from the second hand shop
- Play with any items but there are rewards for winning.
- Do play with their soft toys, their most precious items but only take them to the back yard, where they know teddy will only end up under a chair or on a table, or to disorientate them a bit but not too much a friend’s house.
As a warm up blindfold them in their room and hide teddy in the living room, for them to find by feel.
Would playing this game in a safe environment help children not to lose their cuddly toys when they have to go to the doctor or on holiday etc?
PLEASE NOTE: Blindsensory does not suggest that young children or teens for that matter, should lose their cuddly toys as a punishment for losing a game. This game idea is for those wanting a challenge with darkness for a longer period but not enough to be nasty or scary. Would this be perfect for teen girls who want that extra challenge with longer periods of darkness. Don’t blindfold your children until they know it is only a game with mummy and daddy.
Please offer feedback on this one. If there are O&M trainers that use blindfolds in training reading this, please drop in your thoughts.
Traffic Jam tightrope
Pictures at:
There is a rope just above the ground. There are ropes hanging down to swing across.
A player stands at each end of the rope, they both has blindfolds on. They use ropes to swing across. The challenge is when they meet.
blind tag
You need blindfolds, enough for everybody.
One person stands in the middle of an open area with a blindfold tied securely over his eyes ensuring he can’t see. Every body else runs around trying not to get caught. If someone is caught he is blindfolded and spun around and becomes the next chaser but the first person holds hands and is the second in the chain, and when the third person is caught they join the chain as the head after being blindfolded and spun around. Everyone in the chain has to follow on behind with their blindfolds snug and secure. The last person to be caught becomes the first in the chain for the next game and needs to be blindfolded.
animal rescue
You need soft toys and blindfolds.
Everyone brings a soft toy.
Divide the group into team A and team B.
Put the toys of team B in a pile and have team a sit around the circle facing out.
You need to blindfold everyone in team A.
Can team B get past you rescue their soft toys.
Idea From:
Make it harder for team B by having them carry rattle balls that they must place in the circle before collecting their toy
Is this your pillow?
You need pillows at a slumber party and a blindfold.
A girl is lying down with a dark blindfold securely over her eyes. A pillow is placed under her head, She has to place her head on it and and she has to guess if it is her pillow. Repeat the process until she correctly identifies her pillow.
Cats and mice
You need blindfolds and maybe bells.
Blindfold everybody in an open area. Chose a cat by tapping a player on the shoulder.
When the cat finds a mouse they become a cat. The last mice becomes the cat in the second round. To make it easier for the mice, give the cats bells.
Cuddly toy swap
You need cuddly toys and enough blindfolds for everyone.
Write on the party invites that you are playing a game where everyone has to bring a cuddly toy. Before the guests arrive you need a box and a blanket so that you can hide their cuddly toys, and make sure you have plenty of sleepmasks or tea towels or scarves for blindfolding guests with . As soon as guests arrive take their cuddly toy and hide it in the box, ensuring no one sees each other’s toy. When the guests are in a wide open space, blindfold them and have them crawl around until they are lost. Give everyone a cuddly toy which isn’t theirs.
The players have to crawl around blindfolded trying to swap toys. Make it harder
1. forbid players from talking
2. play loud music so they can’t hear each other
3. Use folded up t shirts or jumpers for blindfolds so that you can put ear plugs in their ears before blindfolding them ensuring the cloths cover their ears to make hearing difficult so they have to use only the sense of touch to communicate.
Be careful about blocking ears unless you know the child well
Pass the baby
This is a baby shower game.
You need:
- a baby doll
- a teddy bear
- a dummy
- a blanket
- and a large supply of dark cloths to blindfold the players with
The women sit in a circle securely blindfolded. Wrap a baby doll in a baby blanket and give it to a player, they have to pass it around the circle as if it were a real baby, so that they learn to be gentle with babies.
Blindfold everyone first so they have to judge the size by touch alone.
Give the doll a wool hat that needs to stay on or a dummy.
Can they pass the baby without the hat coming off, or dummy falling out.
Don’t tell them there is a hat on the baby.
Or blindfold the baby and the players can’t wake the baby by making the blindfold fall off.
Or half the players are blindfolded and the other half have hands tied behind their backs, so that a blind player sits in between two players with no hands and and vice versa or wrap the baby doll in the blanket with a teddy bear.
If you really want to be mean blindfold everyone and give someone the doll and blanket and they have to swaddle the doll by feel before passing it but the blanket can’t come off.
Would having mothers practicing swaddling a doll blindfolded help swaddling to become like second nature.
But it is important that no one can see under their blindfolds.
who has my teddy?
For this game everyone brings a soft toy to the party. The payers sit in a circle with their toys in the middle.One child is in the middle with a blindfold on. A soft toy is given to every one in the circle apart from the blind man in the middle. The blind man asks everyone questions in turn, trying to figure out who has his teddy, or a group of children sit in a circle with as many objects as players. One person goes in the middle and is blindfolded. everyone else takes an object. The blind man must ask the questions questions to guess which object is still in the middle.
Which story were you read?
This is a good gane to play in class at story time.
You need musical instruments some story books and some blindfolds.
The children sit in a circle at circle time with 3 chairs in the middle. Blindfold 3 volunteers and sit them on the chairs, they are the listeners. A reader stands in front of each listener. Give each reader a story book. They have to read it to the blind listener without reading the title or author. The other children make it harder by playing musical instruments. When the readers are finished , put the books back on the shelf, and remove the listeners blindfolds. Can the listeners find the books they were read?
You may want to borrow books from the school library to make it harder for the blind listeners.
Love thy neighbour
You might need ear plugs as well as blindfolds.
When children are in a group, have everybody close their eyes while you blindfold 5 of them, and guide them out the front and have them sit in a line, without talking have them feel the person next to them. Do not address them by name. Now move and disorientate them, can they re form their line without making a sound?
Tips: You may want to use ear plugs. Make sure you tie blindfolds nice and snug so their don’t become lose if touched.
Pass the mystery Toys
You might need ear plugs as well as blindfolds.
When children are in a group, have everybody close their eyes while you blindfold 5 of them, and guide them out the front and have them sit in a line, without talking have them feel the person next to them. Do not address them by name. Now move and disorientate them, can they re form their line without making a sound?
Tips: You may want to use ear plugs. Make sure you tie blindfolds nice and snug so their don’t become lose if touched.
Is mummy honest?
This game will allow participants to tap into their feelings and emotions.
What you’ll need:
– blindfold
– 2 soft toys
– other misc. toys/household items
Step 1: In the living room have the group of toys and one soft toy have the second soft toy in the room but hidden, from sight.
Step 2: Let your child feel the toys with eyes open, saying “this is your building block, feel how hard it is, now feel your top, it is round, feel your teddy, isn’t it soft”.
Step 3: Blindfold your child and put the second soft toy in the pile. Say, “Mummy will give you something to feel and name the object, you have to pay attention to when mummy is tricking you”.
Step 4: Pass your child the toys in turn, naming them but at the end pass him his bunny (say the second soft toy is a bunny) and say, “now feel your teddy darling”. Can he guess that you are tricking him?
Musical blindfolds
Here’s another great party game that follows the same idea as Musical Chairs.
What you’ll need:
– Blindfolds
– A big space
– treasure
Step 1: Put on music and ask all the players to start walking around the room.
Step 2: When the music stops ,everyone races to line up at the previously chosen base. The last player to do so is blindfolded and spun around, play goes on.
Step 3: With one person blindfolded, when the music stops the last sighted player home is blindfolded, but if a blindfolded player beats a sighted player home they can remove their blindfold. The reason players have to try to avoid being blindfolded is because they have more time to study where the treasure is.
Step 4: When everybody is blindfolded say all blind and the hunt is on!
Mummy, Mummy who has the bunny?
What you’ll need:
– A stuffed bunny
– blindfold
– bell or noise maker
Step 1: Everybody sits in a circle with “mummy” (this can be anyone chosen from the group, doesn’t have to be a literal mummy) blindfolded in the middle
Step 2: The players pass a stuffed bunny around chanting “mummy mummy, who has the bunny, do you want to cuddle it”.
Step 3: When the singing stops the person holding the bunny says “mummy, bunny needs a cuddle”, Mummy needs to crawl around feeling for the bunny”.
- To help “mummy”, pass a bell around with the bunny.
- To trick mummy pass the bell around but not with the bunny
Find the button
You’ll need:
- Small buttons or coins (the smaller the better)
- A messy texture that will get all over your hands, like very soft theraputty, cream, baked beans or cooked pasta
- Blindfold
- Bowl
- Ear plugs
How to play:
Sit someone down at a table and put ear plugs in their ears. Securely blindfold them ensuring the cloth covers both eyes and ears. ensure they can still hear your voice but can not see anything.
Hide the buttons in the theraputty (or what ever messy texture you are using) and instruct them to feel for the buttons and when they find them drop them on the table. The ear plugs will reduce auditory clues, from hearing when the buttons drop or where they are in the bowl.
When I played this game during therapy I noticed:
With messy hands it was hard for me to feel where a tiny button was on my hands, and with ear plugs I did not know sometimes when they dropped. I did not realise some fell on the floor and my pants.
balance spin the tail
A variation of pin the tail that works on balance
You need:
- A picture of a donkey and tails
- A chair to stand on
- You need to bring a large supply of cloths from home, which are suitable for use as blindfolds, like scarves or tea towels as you are the only person in the room who is allowed to see during the game. Or you can just blindfold the children with their jumpers, but ensure you have spare cloths for children without jumpers.
Pin the donkey up in the room and ensure the children are unable to reach it without standing on a chair or block.
When the children are in the room let them see the poster and say that you are playing pin the tail on the donkey. But that they need to stand on a chair. Now blindfold everyone ensuring only you are able to see anything.
Everyone is blindfolded so that, they do not know when their turn is.
When or if they will be spun around.
The children going last don’t have the ability to see how to climb onto the chair and have to work it out for themselves.
Everyone after their turn is not allowed to help anyone or give hints which is why they remain blindfolded until the game is over.
If you are feeling mean don’t let them see the chair or block they must stand on before blindfolding them.
You might need to hold their hands as they climb up, and there needs to be as least one spotter on either side of the blindfolded player.
blindfold water game
You’ll need:
– 2 buckets
– sponge
– water
– blindfolds (1 per person)
How to play:
Step 1: Blindfold each player
Step 2: Place one bucket of water at one end with a sponge next to it.
Step 3: Place the empty bucket at the other end and have players sit in a row in between the buckets.
Step 4: One person puts the sponge in water and passes it down the line to the last player, who wrings it out in to the other bucket. but before the game starts blindfold everybody
Variation: Have two buckets and blindfold everyone and give each person a cup. They have to transfer the water using the cups but without being able to see (as seen in photo).
Photo credit: tipjunkie used by permission see
Blind Bunny's rug
Rolling while wearing a blindfold can give tactile feedback or work on where the body is in space. I have done this and it is fun! Especially in very large open spaces. I like to blindfold myself and roll up in blankets. I find it relaxing and calming, especially late at night, it is like a cuddle before bed.
How to play:
Step 1: Send your child out of the room and spread out a sheet or blanket, go out of the room and blindfold your child. Once you have ensured they can’t see anything ,bring them back into the room, roll them up in the blanket and as you apply deep pressure or cuddle them have a discussion about the texture of the blanket. Next, remove the blindfold and let them see the blanket.
Step 2: Blindfold your child and roll them up and see if they can unroll themselves
Tip: Try spreading our mats or blankets of different textures for orientation. try rolling on a straight line. Try rolling in a sleeping bag.
A variation for playing this game in a group might be to sit children in a circle and blindfold them. Spread out a blanket so everyone is holding a piece. Have them feel, cuddle and smell the blanket. Have then discuss the blanket before removing blindfolds so that they can see the blanket.
Games D
Find Your friend
Blindfold everybody and put them in pairs. Have them feel each other, without touching each other’s blindfold. You might need to tie blindfolds extra firm. After ten minutes everyone starts crawling around until lost and mixed up. Remove all blindfolds. Have everybody find their partner.
Feely Fruit
You need an apple, orange and peach and a blindfold.
Description: Sit your child at the table and show him the fruit. Then say “I am going to blindfold you and have you feel the fruit and then I will ask you which is the peach”. Then blindfold him and give him the fruit one by one saying “feel this, now feel this..” Then ask “which one is the peach” Get him to pick it out as you line the three up in front of him.
I still remember in school when I was blindfolded in this game.
Or blindfold your child and lead them into the kitchen and have them feel fruit as you make up a fruit salad, then keep him blindfolded for a taste test.
Blind Shoe game
All the children sit in a circle with their shoes in the middle.
- Send one child in the middle and blindfold him and mix up the pile, have him find his shoe, to save time mixing up the pile each time, have the child going next blindfolded, and waiting in the dark. This is good as when I was in school and we were feeling for shapes in sand blindfolded, I saw the person before me go and I found the same shape before the OT had time to blindfold me.
- Blindfold everyone at once and go one at a time, the person going last does not have an advantage, and add the suspense of the blindfolded children not knowing which order they go in or when their turn is. Return the shoes to the pile each time
- Blindfold everyone and have them all go at once make it easier by letting them keep one shoe on so they can compare.
- Blindfold two players and have then find each other’s shoes. Make it harder by making them put the shoes back on blindfolded, this is good for fine motor skills.
Sensory story time
Common objects and a story book, plus blindfolds required.
When it is story time get out a story book and a collection of the common objects mentioned in the story, have everything prepared and then being your child into the room blindfolded. Explain to your child that you are going to read a story but he has to imagine the story as he can’t see the pictures as he is blindfolded. Then begin reading the story and when an object is mentioned pass him that object to feel. Or blindfold your child and sit him down while you read him a story, if he asks about an object, or how big something is, you have to find that object or a similar one. This can be played in groups as long as there are enough blindfolds. Have the children sitting in a circle blindfolded with hands under a thick blanket. Maybe have another adult makes the sound effects.
Blind shape sorter
You need shape sorter and blindfolds.
Sit your child on a blanket and have him do his shape sorter. Now blindfold him and see if he can do it without sight. If you want to avoid the temptation to help blindfold yourself. This game is great as you must learn to find the right shape, hold it the right way and put it in the right hole with not too much pressure.
Or have two children sitting blindfolded on a blanket, one is the sorter who has the ball the other searches for the shapes that you scatter on the blanket. Make it harder, forbid talking. Or, have two or 3 shape sorter so the blindfolded children can race each other. When they get good, be mean and put all the shapes in one big pile but they cannot use the same shape twice.
Or blindfold a child on a blanket and have them put shapes in a shape sorter while blindfolded child crawls around feeling for the shapes.
The main site picture has a shape sorter in it.
Doing a simple jigsaw puzzle blindfolded, is also good.
Or have shapes that need to be sorted into piles like circle, square etc. Blindfold a ground of children and have each player one collect each shape.
Are you cuddling your teddy Darling?
You need a blindfold and 2-4 of your child’s stuffed animals.
Sit your child on your knee and say “we are going to game a game with your cuddly toys”. Give your child their toys one by one and ask them to feel and cuddle them. Then say “Mummy is gong to blindfold you and give you one of your toys and you have to feel and cuddle it with out being able to see it”. Now blindfold your child, and them one of their cuddly toys. Encourage your child to feel and cuddle it and guess which one it is. You might need to give hints, like “darling what cuddly animals go baa baa”?
Or gather together your children and blindfold them and have them feel through a pile of stuffed animals their a particular one.
If you can blindfold your children and have them explore a farm, and identify the farm animals just by patting them.
now feel your
You need toys and a blindfold.
Have your child sitting on a blanket where he can see his toys. Pick up one toy and say “now feel your bunny darling” guiding his hands over a soft toy “feel how soft and fluffy this is”. Take a block and say “feel your block, notice how rough it is” and so on, letting him see, so he will start to connect the sense of touch to what he is seeing. After this process, blindfold your child repeating the same process in the same order, naming the objects. After that say “now keep your blindfold on and mummy will give you a toy without telling you which one and you have to guess what you are feeling without looking”.
blind toybox search
You need toys, a toy box and a blindfold
Set up your child’s toy box in his room while he is in the living room. Get your blindfold and go to the living room and say “Mummy has a special game in your room but first mummy needs to blindfold you and you have to play with your toys without being able to see them. Blindfold your child take him to his room and say “feel your toy box darling” guiding his hands and then say “can you find mummy your top, or block?” He has to know that object when he finds it but know what other toys are not it. When he gets good, blindfold yourself after telling him what to find so you aren’t tempted to help him
Angels in the snow
You need a stick and a blindfold
Have your child face up or face down on the carpet wearing a blindfold. Tap a limb get him to lift up that limb, then tap two in a row etc. It might be best to let him see the stick and tap lightly before blindfolding him so he knows not to fear being hurt from an unknown source in a game. Or blindfold your child and move an arm or leg or shoulder. While still blind he has to copy the movement you made but on the other side of his body.
where is mummy touching you?
Blindfold your child and touch them on a part of their body, ask them to guess where.
Variation: start with the arm or leg, then ask which arm or leg or as they get older which toe or finger or where on the face, so ensure the blindfold only covers the eyes.
Description: Blindfold your child and ask him to touch his nose or mouth or ear.
pass the parcels
You need:
– blindfolds for all players
– a mystery present for each players
– music
When the children are sitting in a circle blindfold them. Give on a parcel and pass while you play music. When the music stops, the child opens and feels the parcel and must identify their present. Then go again but must sure every child gets a present.
I need a cuddle mummy
This is a good game for day care or preschool as the children find out what a blindfold is without wearing one as the mothers are blindfolded.
You need one blindfold.
A mother sits at one end of the room with a blindfold on. A child comes up saying “I need a cuddle mummy”, can the mother tell when it is her child.
If you want to add in another challenge have a washing basket of cuddly toys next to mummy and after she identifies her child she has to feel around in the basket to find her child’s cuddly toy, When she has done this she can say “come and give mummy a cuddle darling”.
Or play this game in reverse, have the mothers sit in a circle and a child sits in to the middle of the circle with a blindfold on. Make sure you blindfold the child in another room so that he has no idea in which order the mothers are sitting in, he goes from mother to mother saying “I need a cuddle mummy” to which the mothers respond “come to mummy for cuddles darling”. Can the child identify mummy?
Two variations.
No talking, touch and smell only.
Before the blindfolded child can search for mummy, they have to find their cuddly toy from a pile in the middle just by feeling.
blind rattle ball pass
What you’ll need:
- rattle ball
- blindfolds for every one
Blindfold everybody and give one player the ball. The aim is top get the ball from one end to the other, but the one of the ball can’t move and no one can see.
the blind farmer
What you’ll need:
– cuddly toys
– a blindfold
Everybody sits in a circle with one player in the middle. Let him see 4 cuddly toys you place in front of him. Now blindfold him. Point to another child to sneak up and steal a cuddly toy. If they are successful the blind farmer has to feel the remaining toys, and guess which one is missing.
After you blindfold the farmer make sure you mix up the pile of toys to confuse him.
blind play doh make
Blind playdoh challenge
The team leader can see the instructions but can’t speak or move.
The guide can move but has hands behind their back but they can talk.
The carrier can talk and carry items to the table.
The mixers can listen and make the playdoh but can not talk.
Have plenty of tea towels, so that you can cover the mixes so they do not make a mess. But also, only the guide and team leader are allowed to see, everyone else needs to be blindfolded. But ensure the carrier and mixers are blindfolded before you set everything up. Maybe even guide them into the room where the exercise is after blindfolding them so that they do not know where they are. Can the mixers make the playdoh in silence and darkness.
where's my bunny mummy?
You need: blindfolds for everyone and a stuffed bunny.
Blindfold and disorientate everybody. Choose someone to be mummy, remove their blindfold and give them the bunny. Ensuring the blindfolded players don’t know who mummy is. The rest are mummy’s blind children. The children crawl around blindfolded searching for mummy. Mummy has to avoid being caught by her blind children. When a child crawls into someone they ask “Where’s my bunny mummy”? If the person is another child they say “I don’t know”. Play goes on. If the child finds mummy, mummy must respond “feel for your bunny darling”, and the child has 1 minute to take the bunny. If they are successful they are the winner, if not, move them to another spot and tie their ankles together. They must stay still until another child finds them. Then when asked “Where’s my bunny mummy”? They respond “I am naughty”. Then the first child must untie their ankles both still blind, before either can go on.. Whenever mummy is found but hides the bunny from her child she must call “come to mummy and cuddle your bunny darlings” giving a verbal clue. The winner is the one that takes the bunny.
They are mummy in the next around, you might want to pick another stuffed animal so that blindfolded players have not seen what they are searching for.
Sensory mystery tour
This might be a good game for children with tactile defensiveness as well as visually impaired children during blindfold training.
Step 1: Have 3 or 4 doors in the house that contain mystery sensory surprises or activities.
Step 2: Blindfold your child and have them pick a door with a sensory surprise.
Step 3: You might lead them to a set of four doors to pick or you might have them wonder around blindfolded until they find one of the sensory doors. For instance:
- Door 1: a bowl of cooked pasta and they have to feel a messy texture
- Door 2: a spoon and they have to taste a food blindfolded
- Door 3: someone sprays them gently with a water pistol
- Door 4: Mummy is sitting down with a cuddly toy or a blanket. They are led through the door and mummy says, “Hello have you come to give mummy a cuddle darling?”, and they have to sit on mummy’s knee and cuddle the toy mummy is holding. Alternatively, she might swaddle them
- You may wish to set it up so that they visit each door in turn and door 4 at the end.
For more information watch this video:
whose cuddling wooly?
Wooly Wooly, who is cuddling Wooly?
This is a tactile game that is played in an open area where blindfolded players have to identify which soft toy they are cuddling just by feel without being able to see it.
What you’ll need:
– Blindfolds for all the players, so ensure you have an ample supply of cloths which are suitable to serve as blindfolds. For example head scarves or tea towels, ensure that they can be folded up to be thick and dark, to ensure that the children won’t be able to see what they are feeling.
– More stuffed toys than players. One of them needs to be a stuffed sheep, which you will call Wooly. You need to ensure that the stuffed animals do not have electronics noise makers inside them, as they aren’t as soft and cuddly, and also so that they cannot be heard so that the children have to rely of the sense of touch alone to cuddle Wooly. So before the game starts, give Wooly a cuddle to make sure that he is nice and soft.
Step 1: Everybody starts in a circle at circle time and you present them with a stuffed sheep. Say to the children, “I brought along a stuffed sheep to cuddle at circle time today. His name is wooly, because his wool feels so soft.”.
Step 2: Pass Wooly around and ask the children if they want to give Wooly a cuddle. While you are doing that say ,”Wooly is soft and cuddly isn’t he children?”
Step 3: Tell the children to pay close attention as they have only one go to feel Wooly with their eyes open before they play a game where you have to cuddle Wooly, but no one is allowed to see Wooly. While this is happening you may want to get the blindfold cloths out and place them in the circle.
Step 4: Now take Wooly back and say, “I am going to pass Wooly around the second time but you need to cuddle him without looking so that you know what he feels like, for when we play a game where you have to find him and give him cuddles with blindfolds on.” Show the children the blindfolds.
Step 5: Pass Wooly around a second time saying, “Now keep your eyes closed and cuddle him without looking at his fluffy wool, so that you know what to feel for in the game.” If the children have trouble keeping their eyes closed, you may need to use your blindfolds. So you might say, “No peeking, I can blindfold you if you find that easier”. Or you can just go ahead and blindfold them. You may need to guide the children’s hands to stroke Wooly, if they are having trouble when they can’t see. As you guide them say “Now feel Wooly’s soft wool, isn’t it soft and fluffy.”
Step 6: Hide Wooly, and prepare the blindfolds if you have not already done so and say, “We are going to play a game where every body will have a blindfold on.” Now blindfold everyone and when you have ensured that only you can see, disorientate and separate them ensuring they do not know where they or anyone else is, and scatter the other cuddly toys, which you have kept hidden, around the room and place wooly somewhee.
Step 7: Everybody has to crawl around feeling for a stuffed animal. The children can feel the stuffed animals without picking them up, but as soon as they pick one up they have to keep it for the round.
Step 8: When everybody has a stuffed animal, sing ”Wooly Wooly, who is cuddling Wooly?”. The blindfolded children put their hands up if they think they are cuddling Wooly. If they think they have Wooly but are incorrect they are out, so is a player who is cuddling Wooly but doesn’t know it.
The prize at the end might be that the blindfolded child crawling around keeps Wooly if they find him, and pick him out from the other cuddly toys without peeping through their blindfold. You may decide to give everyone else another cuddly toy as well.
A variation might be that instead of having children crawl around, they can sit blindfolded in a circle while you give every one a stuffed animal and ask “who is cuddling “Wooly”.
Blind memory verse
This game is great for teaching bible verses, but can be done for any sentence in a non-church setting, such as team work or communication at school.
What you’ll need:
– Pieces of card with words written on them
– An ample supply of blindfolds
Step 1: Write out a word on one card per person that’s taken from the bible verse (or any other piece of writing you’d like to use). For example, if there are 9 participants than then there should be 9 cards.
Step 2: Write each word on each card and put them in a pile face down next to a pile of blindfolds. You may want to put a tactile marker on each card so the blindfolded child will know which way to place the card.
Step 3: Ask the participants to sit separately in different locations around the room.
Step 4: Pass out the cards and let each child see the word on their card only (no talking allowed). Ask them to memorise their word.
Step 5: Place a blindfold on each child and spin them around slowly a couple of times. Then direct the children to communicate with each other and put the cards in the correct order of the verse. Encourage them to talk to each other to discuss who has what word and what order it should go in.
Tip 1: If you are in a compassionate mood give out the verse reference and or read it out. Or if they are older don’t.
Tip 2: You could also, blindfold players and disorientate them before giving out the cards and whispering their word in their ear.
balance 'pin the tail'
A variation of ‘Pin the Tail on the Donkey’ that works on balance.
You need:
- A picture of a donkey and tails
- A chair to stand on
- You need to bring a large supply of cloths from home, which are suitable for use as blindfolds, like scarves or tea towels as you are the only person in the room who is allowed to see during the game. Or you can just blindfold the children with their jumpers, but ensure you have spare cloths for children without jumpers.
Pin the donkey up in the room and ensure the children are unable to reach it without standing on a chair or block.
When the children are in the room let them see the poster and say that you are playing pin the tail on the donkey. But that they need to stand on a chair. Now blindfold everyone ensuring only you are able to see anything.
Everyone is blindfolded so that, they do not know when their turn is.
When or if they will be spun around.
The children going last don’t have the ability to see how to climb onto the chair and have to work it out for themselves.
Everyone after their turn is not allowed to help anyone or give hints which is why they remain blindfolded until the game is over.
If you are feeling mean don’t let them see the chair or block they must stand on before blindfolding them.
You might need to hold their hands as they climb up, and there needs to be as least one spotter on either side of the blindfolded player.
Blindfold water game
You’ll need:
– 2 buckets
– sponge
– water
– blindfolds (1 per person)
How to play:
Step 1: Blindfold each player
Step 2: Place one bucket of water at one end with a sponge next to it.
Step 3: Place the empty bucket at the other end and have players sit in a row in between the buckets.
Step 4: One person puts the sponge in water and passes it down the line to the last player, who wrings it out in to the other bucket. but before the game starts blindfold everybody
Variation: Have two buckets and blindfold everyone and give each person a cup. They have to transfer the water using the cups but without being able to see (as seen in photo).
photo credit: tipjunkie used by permission see
Don't Spill The Pasta
My OT and I have been doing blindfold tactile activities to increase tactile awareness for ADL tasks in the kitchen. I invented this game.
What you’ll need:
– Dry beans or pasta
– Blanket
– Container
– Kitchen tools like spoons or serving spoons or thongs
– Blindfold
How to play:
Step 1: Spread a blanket across the living room floor. Place a container at one end and a pile of dry pasta at the other end.
Step 2: Give one player a kitchen tool and blindfold them. You can also spin them around to disorient them if you want. (It might be more fun to blindfold the person before you give them to tool so they have to feel and explore the best way to use it.
Step 3: The blindfolded player must pick up the pasta with the kitchen tool and crawl to the other end of the blanket and empty the pasta in the bowl. Repeat until all the pasta is in the container. if they spill along the way, they can retrieve the pasta and put it in the container as long as they don’t remove the blindfold.
Step 4: See if they can tell when they have a spill. To increase the confusion, keep spinning them around at each end of the blanket. For beginners let them crawl with a bowl and let them use their hands to pick up the pasta and place in bowl.
For this game the blindfold helps to increase tactile awareness which is important for kitchen tasks.
A similar game people play at parties is cotton ball pickup, where you spread out cotton balls and blindfold someone who has to pick them up and place them in a bowl with spoon. See
Blind Barnyard
in this listening game people are divided into groups and given an animal. When everybody is blindfolded they have to find their group only by making the sound of their animal. No talking or seeing allowed. In this example it is played in pairs. I think the best way would be to blindfold and disorientate the players before telling them their animal. So they don’t know where they are or anyone else in the group or who else is in their group.
the skills you can work on are
- listening
- listening discrimination
- learning to discern different sounds from background noise
- social skills
- personal space
so get some blindfold cloths and take the kids to the yard today.
Photo taken from Over Stuffed Life and is used by kind permission with thanks to Lara Neves
Ten Cuddly Toys
What you’ll need:
– 10 cuddly toys
– Fluffy blanket
– Blindfolds (1 per person)
How to play:
Step 1: Have an ample supply of cuddly toys hidden in a box.
Step 2: spread out a blanket in the play area.
Step 3: Have between 4 to 6 players sit on the edge of the blanket.
Step 4: Pass out a cuddly toy, for instance a lamb, and give everybody 2 minutes to feel it eyes open, while this is happening start folding your blindfold cloths.
Step 5: When that is done take back the lamb and blindfold everybody.
Step 6: Put the lamb and 9 other toys in the middle of the blanket.
Step 6: Sit the first player in front of the pile to feel through all the different toys while everybody else sings “There were ten cuddly toys on the blanket (child’s name) cuddled one and then there were nine.”
Step 7: When the singing stopped the child picks up the toy their hands are on. They feel the toy and if it is the lamb and they correctly identify it, they’ve won the game. If it isn’t the lamb and they correctly say it isn’t, there are 9 cuddly toys left. If the guess is wrong , they have to put it back and add another one for the next person to go as everybody sings “There were(how many there are) cuddly toys on the blanket (child’s name) cuddled one and then there were (one less).”
Step 7: Remove or add one toy is each right or wrong answer. The game ends when the lamb and found and correctly identified. When everybody goes go around again ensuring everybody keeps their blindfolds on. Ensure there are at least 3 toys In play at once.
Tip 1: If you choose to only blindfold the person whose turn it is, keep mixing up the pile, or at least blindfold the next player as well.
Tip 2: To make the game a bit harder, use gloves or only feet or only one hand.
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